Dear Readers,
I will skip the silly explanations about why I haven't posted in so long. Needless to say, Life got in the way. In my time off I've been busy. I've published my first novel, Unlikely Paradise (check it out on if you're interested). This marks the end of a 10 year project, which brings me to the theme of this post. gotta love 'em. I know I do. I love 'em so much, I'll start several. I'll have ideas for hundreds! They get so exciting, I can hardly help myself! But it can get overwhelming too! Let me tell you how this all got started...
I was 18, and had just got called to my first jury duty. I was still in high school and was pretty nervous. As it turns out, there was a lovely woman there that struck up a conversation with me about reading, since we had both brought books. She explained that she always read 3 books; one biography of someone she admired, one self-help or growth oriented book and one fiction novel just for fun. She read a half-hour every night and rotated the books each time, filling in a new book when she got done one. It was like lightning had struck! Finally I knew how to tackle the pile of books waiting at home! But of course, in my "attack life" style, my pile was 18-20 books high. I found out quickly that I wasn't getting anywhere, in fact I had trouble just making sure that I read for 30 minutes a night without passing out! Sadly it was YEARS before I could implement a solid change. I know, right? The Professor has trouble with reaching a clearly defined goal?? Yes. I don't like to admit it, but yes. So what happened and what's this got to do with Life and books and keeping up this blog? Well...
As I mentioned, the book was a 10 year old project. I had started it 10 years ago and got 65% through the first draft 7 years ago and sat. It sat for several years. Finally I make a seemingly unconnected behavior change and decide that it's the straight and narrow, one book at a time life for me. What happens? Boom. I start burning through books. My ideas are more focused. My goals are more defined. I realize thing at a time really works! So I pick up the dusty old draft and tell myself, "I will get this $@#% book done and published by my birthday, enough is enough!" It kept me up very late several nights and I had to miss a few of my favorite shows (TV is the devil), but I got it done. I got something that was hanging out there crossed off my list forever! I wonder what else I could do? Golf lessons? Check. Meaningful relationships? Check. Join a fitness club? Done. I mean, it didn't make sense...goals started to drop from my list. Big, long-term goals, too! Who knew focus was so important? Well it is, and dear student, I hope you will take heed and adjust your goal program in a similar fashion, hopefully to find similar results!
Well that's it for now, but I promise not to let several years flash by before updating you again. There's lots to be done and the world is carved by Doers. Be a doer. Get those goals on the whiteboard and rock 'em one at a time. See how far you get. I'm sorry that book took up so much of my time.
Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment
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