Wednesday, October 16, 2013

5 Things I Learned from the Government Shutdown

Dear Readers, 
I was musing on the recent government activities (or lack thereof) and thought I would share a few things that popped into my head regarding current events. It's important to learn from your mistakes, but you can often learn just as much from watching someone else mess up...So here's some takeaways we can all put into practice, thanks to the people in Washington D.C. 

1) Be Dependable, Pay Your Debts:
Obviously, defaulting on our debts as a nation would be catastrophic. But the general awareness of this fact leads me to think it won't happen. From a personal standpoint, keeping your debt level manageable is so vital that they created a credit bureau just to help creditors keep track of it. We love our toys so much that in the past we bought first and figured out how to pay for them second. I'm not sure this is the case as much these days (see #3, below), but it's still a good idea to take a look at your debt and try very hard to eliminate it or keep it low. I like to make sure I have enough in savings to cover anything I'm charging in full, should the need arise. Credit is a tool to be used appropriately to better your life. It's not a green light for a free-for-all spending spree. Likewise, if you borrowed money from a friend or relative, make it a priority to clear that debt. This is not a big conglomerate we're talking about, this is someone you're going to see this coming weekend. Friends are more important than money, and that is usually understood by both sides, so there's wiggle room and patience involved. Your buddy doesn't want to remind you to pay-up, don't give him (or any bill collector, if possible) the need to.

2) Plan Ahead for a Rainy Day: 
Mr. Cuban is right, "Cash is king." Think about how much better you'd feel with a substantial cash savings in the bank. Would you stress over challenges your company had to face? Economic slowdowns? Client issues? Problems must be dealt with head-on, but when the unthinkable comes along and hits everyone, the folks with a cushion to land on will be less concerned about the bumps in the road.

3) This Isn't a Trend:
Enough people have already figured out #1, above, but it seems like the financial analysts are still holding onto the old ways...Gone are the days of spending like crazy. This is a new economy, and people aren't "holding onto their money" or refusing to spend. They are just being smarter. They are buying more of what they need and less of what they don't. They are reading The Millionaire Next Door and other guides to financial prowess. They are not putting as much faith in the possibility of a liquidity event, and starting to settle in for the long haul. Perhaps the powers that be should pay attention - this may no longer be a consumer driven economy. Quality still matters.

4) It Will Get Better: 
Buffet has faith in the strength of the U.S. economy and I have to agree. This bizarre melting pot we all call home is still the best bet for creative thought and progress. I laugh when I see the crazy, short-term swings in the market. If you want to ride the tide of emotion and play the short game, you’re playing with fire. And the fire will only get hotter as rapid upheaval becomes more and more standard. 

5) Watch Out:
Without trying to sound unpatriotic or alarmist, my thoughts on the current congress are that they do not always have our best interest at heart and need major reform in order to be relevant. The classic, bad parenting principles of Do as I say, Not as I do used to work out OK for them, but with the explosion of information-sharing the web has provided, it's clear that people won't stand for it much longer. The only way to protect yourself is to take the power back. Become informed. Watch your leaders. Learn more, develop alternate income streams and stay prepared. We joke about Zombie outbreaks, and maybe even stock up to hedge against natural disasters and pandemics, but there's a bigger threat right here at home; the slow but steady disintegration of collaborative leadership. If we're going to make it through this, we're going to have to re-learn how to work together. 

That's my two cents...whether you came to the same conclusions or got other valuable life lessons from what you're witnessing, I wish you the best of luck in navigating this ever-changing world. Just don't let the events slip by without taking the opportunity to review your financial position, life-plan, goals and progress. Maybe talk it over with your kids, family members or friends. You never know what you might learn. There's a lesson in everything. Talk to you soon, 
Professor Betterment

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fear is a Signal - Time to Grow

Dear Readers,
I wonder if this is something you can relate to...You've been working on self-improvement as a way of life, making progress in a number of areas, doing your best to take forward strides and stay humble while you do it.  You feel pretty good.  I mean, maybe you haven't reached every goal yet, but you're on your way, you're a mover, you're a doer.  Then, out of nowhere, you meet someone truly incredible.  I mean, you name it...looks, business acumen, drive, entertainment value...they just seem to have it all going for them.  Now as firm believers in the Betterment of mankind and ourselves, we know that we don't compare ourselves to Anyone but ourselves.  The only person we should be striving to be better than is who we were yesterday.  Still, it's not always easy - confidence is a skill like any other, and needs to be nurtured and grown over time.  Maybe somewhere in the back of your mind, you're thinking at that moment that you'd love to spend more time with that person, but you're not sure if you're quite on the same level?  Yikes!  What now???

First of all, we don't stop being ourselves.  Changing to meet the expectations of someone else is never the path to authenticity.  There's nothing wrong with putting your best possible self on display to the world and trying to live up to the image of who you want to be.  But if you have to lie to get people to believe that it's who you are, you only end up hurting yourself. 

Next, hold your head up high.  Remember that who you were is not half as important as who you are, which is nothing compared to who you're going to be!  Someday, that very person may be excited to catch a glimpse of You!  Ok, it might not happen overnight, but Life is a journey - you WILL get there, friend.

The final and most important step, is to ask yourself what you're going to do about it.  I've met people over the years that have inspired me to join a gym and start going every day, buy a book on the spot, file paperwork to start my own business, finish and publish a book, and countless other goals.  The trick is to look at those nerves or fear signals you got and use them to drive you further on your quest to better yourself.  Become who you were meant to be, so that you don't ever feel like you're out of place.  Remember, also, that if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room!  Life isn't about hiding where it's safe, being a big fish in a small pond.  Get out there and mingle, learn and grow your way into the person you want to be.  You're doing the right thing by trying to elevate your standards and meet people that inspire you. 

If it happens to be a love interest, hopefully they will see something in you that makes them want to spend more time with you.  But this is the best part, whether it works out or not doesn't really matter in the long run.  The person who inspired you to grow, change and get better may or may not stay in your life for long, but the positive changes you've made as a result are yours to keep, forever.  If it didn't get through to that person at that moment, who cares?  That's the past now.  Whoever comes along next may see it, and it will do you that much more good.

So continue living your grand adventure, absorbing motivation and changing for the better.  Don't forget to be yourself and keep looking for your next step forward.  Don't look back, except to learn.  You never know, you might even be inspiring someone else to change for the better too.  Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Life Gets In The Way

Dear Readers, I will skip the silly explanations about why I haven't posted in so long. Needless to say, Life got in the way. In my time off I've been busy. I've published my first novel, Unlikely Paradise (check it out on if you're interested). This marks the end of a 10 year project, which brings me to the theme of this post. gotta love 'em. I know I do. I love 'em so much, I'll start several. I'll have ideas for hundreds! They get so exciting, I can hardly help myself! But it can get overwhelming too! Let me tell you how this all got started...
I was 18, and had just got called to my first jury duty. I was still in high school and was pretty nervous. As it turns out, there was a lovely woman there that struck up a conversation with me about reading, since we had both brought books. She explained that she always read 3 books; one biography of someone she admired, one self-help or growth oriented book and one fiction novel just for fun. She read a half-hour every night and rotated the books each time, filling in a new book when she got done one. It was like lightning had struck! Finally I knew how to tackle the pile of books waiting at home! But of course, in my "attack life" style, my pile was 18-20 books high. I found out quickly that I wasn't getting anywhere, in fact I had trouble just making sure that I read for 30 minutes a night without passing out! Sadly it was YEARS before I could implement a solid change. I know, right? The Professor has trouble with reaching a clearly defined goal?? Yes. I don't like to admit it, but yes. So what happened and what's this got to do with Life and books and keeping up this blog? Well...

As I mentioned, the book was a 10 year old project. I had started it 10 years ago and got 65% through the first draft 7 years ago and sat. It sat for several years. Finally I make a seemingly unconnected behavior change and decide that it's the straight and narrow, one book at a time life for me. What happens? Boom. I start burning through books. My ideas are more focused. My goals are more defined. I realize thing at a time really works! So I pick up the dusty old draft and tell myself, "I will get this $@#% book done and published by my birthday, enough is enough!" It kept me up very late several nights and I had to miss a few of my favorite shows (TV is the devil), but I got it done. I got something that was hanging out there crossed off my list forever! I wonder what else I could do? Golf lessons? Check. Meaningful relationships? Check. Join a fitness club? Done. I mean, it didn't make sense...goals started to drop from my list. Big, long-term goals, too! Who knew focus was so important? Well it is, and dear student, I hope you will take heed and adjust your goal program in a similar fashion, hopefully to find similar results!

Well that's it for now, but I promise not to let several years flash by before updating you again. There's lots to be done and the world is carved by Doers. Be a doer. Get those goals on the whiteboard and rock 'em one at a time. See how far you get. I'm sorry that book took up so much of my time. Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On Being "Out There"

It doesn't happen often...but sometimes even Professor Betterment gets withdrawn, quiet, reserved. Hey, it's hard work living with your soul on fire 24/7! Sometimes you need to take time for yourself, gather your strength, do the things that build confidence.

So I go to the gym daily, start watching what I eat, maybe buy a new outfit, maybe read up on new restaurants, plan dream dates with someone special in my head, or even cook a new dish.

You get the idea, do things that make you feel like a Better you. Remember, Luck is where Preparation meets Opportunity. Be ready, be strong and then Act! That's where the title of this posting begins to make sense.

When you're ready, and have built your core of strength and positivity, and you're prepared to give (truly give of yourself), then go out there and Give. Give smiles, laughter, gifts, love, etc. Give it all away and don't hold back. Give with utter gratitude at being in a position to be able to give. Let them see the beautiful river of light flowing through you. Let them feel the warmth, generosity and strength you provide, without the need of getting it returned. You are flowing with overabundance! This isn't a tradeoff. This isn't a barter system. This is You, the way you want to be!

My God, the fire, the passion you have inside! Can't you feel that? The warmth? The "real you"? The you that you sometimes hide because you're afraid of being hurt? Well the hell with getting hurt! You're a Betterment Member! We don't ALLOW things to hurt us! We don't give that kind of permission to anything!

So be Out There! Be unafraid! Be YOU! You're so beautiful, don't you see that? You're unique and special and have such potential for growth and joy! Living your dreams doesn't mean going to Sleep!!! Take the chance! Ask her out! Shake hands! Connect!

Why, you ask? Why put myself out there? I could get hurt or taken advantage of... No, you can't! We don't give with a goal, we give because that's the kind of person we want to be. Now we know that it can't be unending. We know that we have to nurture ourselves just as much as nurturing others. But we plant the seeds in the consciousness of our fellow inhabitants. Let them know who you are, what you have to offer. Remember, there are no mistakes! Only results you hadn't planned on. Everything is a lesson! And the lessons of the past? It's really all just been practice. Practice for this moment. The Now is eternal. The past can't hurt you. The future is yours to write. The Now is what you make of it.

So be "Out There". Be Unafraid. Be Real. I'm not saying pull a Tom Cruise and jump around on Oprah, unless that's how you want to be. I'm saying Be You. Let that beautiful self shine through the mist of the world and light the way for others to believe in themselves. Try it. Send it out there. I'm willing to bet someone will like what they see. As Helen Keller said, "Life is either a daring adventure...or it is nothing." Good luck burning the cobwebs of this world with your inner passion.
Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Dear Readers,
Today I want to talk to you about elevation - the act of physically and mentally altering your frame of mind and surroundings in order to allow healthier, stronger, and lets face it...Better thoughts, plans and actions to manifest.

Many of the great minds of Betterment talk about the benefits of visualization, affirmations and other positivity exercises. These are all great and work well, but there is a concrete method of changing your thoughts and actions almost immediately, that may be of assistance to the budding Betterment member.

The elevation method is simple. You just make a decision to go to an actual place that gives you positive feelings and enjoy yourself as if it were your normal lifestyle to include that location in your day to day life. You see, often when we are just starting out on the road to Betterment, our life is not quite what we want it to be. We may not have the funds to dine at the best places, buy the best clothes, meet the best people and be able to experience all those wonderful experiences we want to.

So, instead of grabbing a coffee and bagel on the way to work everyday, wake up a bit earlier and make them at home...then after saving for a couple weeks, go out to a nice restaurant for a gourmet breakfast. It's about quality over quantity. Take the few minutes to really enjoy the experience. Roll through the senses, calm your mind and truly make the time your own, under your control. Sounds a bit new-agey, but the fact is that the more you experience these elevated periods of time, the more they change you.

Now that doesn't mean that we go into debt, or frivolously throw away money on luxury that is beyond our means that we focus on the quality, and manage the rest of our life to be able to enjoy those moments! Discipline! Creativity! These experiences are worth sacrifice, that is the lesson here. Make the moments worth it. Don't pay 10$ a week for a cheap massage in the mall, spend 40$ a month for a spa treatment. Don't get pizza every Friday, get a steak dinner once a month. Make your money and your time work harder for you by allowing yourself to experience a lifestyle that you truly deserve and want to be a part of.

I took the time today to go out to breakfast, after cooking at home for weeks. I brought a good book for fun, which I read for a bit, then I took the time to truly reflect and work on my goal notebook (more on goal setting later). By the end of the meal, I felt great. I had truly enjoyed myself, elevated my status and my lifestyle, and was entertained and productive. I deserved it, and so do you. That's what Betterment is all about; permanent, graceful, constant improvement. I wish you the best of experiences.
Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Direction vs. A Goal

Dear Readers,
I apologize for the lack of entries! The Professor has been busily seeking betterment in a graduate program (Yes, even Professor Betterment has to take steps to be better) and hasn't had much of a chance to reach out to you.

Today's lesson is groundbreaking, however. Sometimes the simplest things can be so monumental. Now we all know that Professor Betterment is big on setting goals. Goals are vital to success! Goals are dreams with a deadline! Being goal-driven is the only way to accomplish great things! But...we are Human. And as members of the Betterment Society, we know what that means. It means we have to give ourselves credit, in our "kind, but firm" way, and allow for the occasional slip off the bandwagon.

In other words, we have to approach major accomplishments (like losing weight, getting straight A's, nabbing a better job, etc.) as a DIRECTION we are heading in, as opposed to a Goal. Why you ask? Well, for several reasons:

1) We have a tendency to get discouraged if we don't reach a particular goal, sometimes even giving up. Not so with a never "reach" a direction, it is a constant forward movement.

2) We often have trouble setting appropriate goals, usually mking them too difficult or too easy. Directions are set only once. Health, wealth, name it. If it is a direction, you will keep moving that way, forever. When it comes to major life shifts, goals are for amateurs!

3) We sometimes can't remember all our goals. Heck, we even need a whiteboard to keep track of them! Remember, goals are great for things that can be evenly broken down, checked off a list, made into segments, etc. But when we don't have our planner in front of us at the restaurant, or we are stressed at our job, or we are in a hurry, Goals can slip into the cracks in our minds. Directions can be easily recalled and used to guide us through life in a simpler way.

4) The Slip effect...Basically, we set a goal, and if we screw up, that goal simply shifts further away. We justify the slip by saying we'll make up for it later or double our efforts next time. It's easy for goals to be posponed indefinately in this manner. However, Directions can't be postponed. Directions are constant. Directions are what really shift behaviors, and cause people to shed their shells of inactivity.

So, how do you choose a Direction? Great question! Goals really can be appropriate for projects and the like, but whenever possible a direction may be easier to utilize on a daily basis. If your Goal can be reached quicker by having a general direction, summed up in a few words, it behooves you to think one up.

For example:
It's 7 am. You are a little tired, maybe even a little lazy...

Goal - Go to the gym everyday. Reaction: I'll go tomorrow, and work out extra hard! Future result: Goal continually slips forward in time, health gets no closer.

Direction - Become a person that constantly strives for better health. Reaction: I'll go now, because that's who I am. Future result: Over time, the better decision-making process wins and the body becomes healthier.

So, plot your goals, list them on your whiteboard, give them your best effort, state them appropriately and support them with even-sized steps and rewards. But choose directions for who you really are (and who you want to become) and you'll find the goals may even take care of themselves...That's the Betterment way.
Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment

Monday, February 22, 2010

The WhiteBoard...Key to the Universe!

I love my whiteboard. Love, Love, Love it. If there is one tool absolutely vital to the successful management of time, it is the almighty, glossy white, dry-erase whiteboard on my wall. We live in busy times. There are 1000 things to do and 10 minutes to do them all. You must believe me on this one...the whiteboard is a GAMECHANGER.

I know...I're asking, "Professor, do I have to make my room at home look like my cube at work to be successful?" I don't blame you for asking (I told you, I love my readers!), but this is one thing that you will thank me for making you do.

Get yourself a $25 whiteboard at your nearest office supply store, hang it up in your home office (sometimes a home office is just a clear spot on the wall near a table or desk, by the way) and watch what happens to your personal effectiveness. At first, it may just serve as a doodling area for stress release...or maybe a grocery list...or maybe you start to dabble with a loosely structured To Do list.

The list goes on as far as potential uses, but the real strength of this mighty tool is when it is used in tandem with the pocket calendar. This dynamic duo is like a one-two punch when it comes to slaying the time vampires in your life. The pocket calendar is a good enough tool to deserve its own post, but you get the idea...pocket calendar is the whiteboard in your pocket, the whiteboard is your pocket calendar on the wall.

Do you need both? YES. Without the calendar, you'll have a tough time scheduling things when you're out and you are making plans...But the whiteboard...oh baby! The whiteboard greets you each day, with calm, but important items waiting to be attacked! The whiteboard loves you and wants you to succeed.

It wants to show you a compartmentalized list of things you have to do...things for work, for your personal growth, for your family, for your debt collectors, for a new job, better body, funner name it, the whiteboard echoes your lifestyle and is willing to let you list your items and cross them out when you accomplish them! Oh the joy! The rapture! I know, it's hard to believe that anything could make you feel this way, but like they say in the Harley ads...own one, and you'll understand.

Just a few things to do with the Mighty WhiteBoard:
- Shortlisting - bills to pay, prescriptions to pick up, gym visits
- Career Moves - redo resume, email that contact, apply for that dream job
- School Assignments - I would have failed out long ago without this one...
- Dates - upcoming birthday presents to buy, reservations to make, meetings
- Words to live by - Lose that weight! Visualize! Make a new friend today!
- Projects - Front yard: edge island, pave driveway, buy tree, bench, mulch, flowers
- Brainstorming - vacation ideas, friday take-out list, gifts for mother's day

There are no limits! Just remember, for the most part the whiteboard is to help you focus temporarily on semi-urgent items or multi-step tasks. This way you move along on your personal goals, one step at a time, making real progress in many aspects of your life. Sure, you can have a small corner for a favorite quote, or a section of the board reserved for your daughter to draw on, but the functionality of the whiteboard decreases as it is filled with immovable items (much like your computer). Gotta defrag every now and then, you know?

A good reference is 3/4ths full with items that get done in a given period (weekly, maybe monthly), maybe the last quarter left for long term goals or something like that. Experiment. You'll find your way. Just don't go without it...I mean, we've all been there. It's an unhappy place with many names...The Rut, The Deadend, Drowning in Inefficiency. It's where the life of quiet desperation comes in and we put our dreams and goals aside.

Well old goals, get ready! Dream big! Move forward! Get your whiteboard on the wall, start listing a few items on it, cross 'em off as you do them, and before you know it...You'll be living the betterment way. Good luck, let me know how it goes.
Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment

Thursday, February 11, 2010

And so it begins...the birth of The Betterment Guide

Like a Valentine's day gift to the world...The Betterment Guide, on behalf of the Betterment Foundation, is pulled from the ether and dropped on the web for all to see.
But what is Betterment? How does it work? How will it help me?

Well, first let's look at what it's not.

It's Not a wishy-washy self-help site. Don't get me wrong, I love my readers...but this is Betterment! We're a higher breed of self-improvers! We're on a march! We're taking over, one tiny step at a time...This is no time for gentleness. I'm gonna tell it like it is, and together we're gonna get through it.

It's not always going to make sense. This is straight from my heart, people. I'm not a doctor, not a know-it-all...hell, I'm not even always right! And although I'm on a mission of aid and love, it might not follow a pattern. So what! Right? I mean, if I want to talk about the utter joy found in a crisp creme brulee, or how rainy days can be incredibly wonderful and productive, or why I think whiteboards are the key to the universe, so be it!

I'm open to your suggestions and questions, but let's be real about one thing...Professor Betterment is still the professor, right or wrong. Somedays it's class discussion time, others it's just time to take notes...and still others it might be time to put your head on your desk and take a little nap.

What it is:
I'm going to try to find the things that help foster growth in the human spirit and bust 'em wide open for all to see. I'm going to talk about things that worked for me, things I'm trying, books I'm reading and anything else that comes to mind.

I'm probably going to talk a lot about things I like. The reason being that if the Professor likes it, might like it too. If you didn't want to learn anything you probably wouldn't be reading a Betterment Guide, right? So try a new idea, see if it helps you. It's not like I'm a genius or anything, just got a big heart and a constant drive to improve. So we'll take this journey together and who knows, maybe we'll get lost...maybe we'll get found...maybe we'll just pass some time together. I hope you'll have as much fun as I will. Talk to you soon,
Professor Betterment